
Review of two Love Inspired books: The Marine’s Deadly Reunion and An Amish Mother for His Child

240 pages Inspirational The Protectors Collection publisher December 26,2023 publication date grab a copy here


To keep a child safe

They must outrun a killer…

When Sergeant Daria Gordon saves US Marine Jake Fisher and his baby niece from an attacker, she instantly puts a target on her own back. Someone murdered Jake’s sister and now they want Jake and Daria dead. To survive, Jake and Daria must discover this ruthless killer’s identity. But can they uncover the truth and keep the baby safe…before the killer finds them?


Every page is soaked with nail biting tension. When Sergeant Daria Gordon saves US Marine Jake Fisher and his baby niece from an attacker, she instantly sets herself up for trouble as she becomes the intended target. Baby Emma’s parents have been killed in what was intended to look like an accidental car crash. Daria’s best childhood friend, Jake is now back from the Marine’s to take care of his niece Emma whose parents have died in what he believes is a case of murder. Can he convince her this case is murder? Marine Jake Fisher has all the strategies he needs from his Marine training now he just needs to convince Sergeant Daria Gordon he will step in and help her to solve this high-tension case. Every page had me holding my breath. This is an action-packed suspense with a strong female lead. I wasn’t sure who to trust and who not to. I enjoyed seeing how Daria and Jake worked together to keep sweet little Emma safe. As soon as I thought the case was solved, here we go again, more action coming at you from all sides. An inspirational suspense that’ll keep you on your toes.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.


Award-winning author Loretta Eidson lives by the motto ‘never a dull moment,’ especially with her husband, four children, and thirteen grandchildren. Her love of reading began in middle school, where she devoured Phyllis Whitney’s mystery novels. Loretta’s heart is writing romantic suspense. She believes in the power of prayer and loves putting her hero and heroine in realistic predicaments where they must trust God to pull them through.

Connect with Loretta on social media or through her website at Be sure to sign up for her quarterly newsletter

224 pages Love Inspired publisher December 26,2023 publication date grab a copy here


She’ll make the ideal mother…

But could she be his perfect match?

Marrying a virtual stranger gives Verna Kauffman almost everything she’s ever wanted—a husband, a daughter…and a list of childcare rules. Despite Adam Lantz’s strict standards and formal demeanor, Verna is determined to turn their convenient arrangement into a happy union. But when their growing relationship is challenged, can they overcome their opposite views of marriage to discover what they really need is each other?

From Love Inspired: Uplifting stories of faith, forgiveness and hope.

Amish Country Matches

Book 1: The Amish Matchmaking Dilemma
Book 2: Their Amish Secret
Book 3: The Amish Marriage Arrangement
Book 4: An Amish Mother for His Child


Verna Kauffman has wanted to be a mother for a long time and when it hadn’t happened in the conventional Amish way of buggy rides, singings and courting she enters into an arranged marriage with Adam Lantz to become a mother to his daughter Amanda by way of a matchmaker.

Amanda is a sweet little girl, very smart and wants to be called Mandy like her friends call her.

A faith filled and encouraging story we see the author take a situation that has some drama in it and misunderstandings and turn it into a happy family union filled with love and respect.

I enjoyed seeing the character growth of all the main characters and seeing how their needs were met. Uplifting and encouraging, this is a delight that will be read again.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.


Publishers Weekly bestselling author Patricia Johns writes sweet romance for Harlequin Inc. and Kensington Books.

She writes from Alberta, Canada, where she lives with her husband and son.

Thank you for stopping in. Have an uplifting day.


Several Amish fiction reviews, one Christmas: The Christmas Quilt, Ruth’s Gingersnap Surprise

The Christmas Quilt (The Shadow Lake Series Book 3)

290 pages Zebra Books publisher August 22,2023 publish date


As the holidays approach, Colette King is eager for Matthew Mueller’s return to Shadow Lake. Especially now that she has finally surrendered to the truth—that the friend she has known forever, the first man she ever kissed, is the one she longs to spend her life with. So when Mattie shows up at her sister’s wedding with another woman on his arm, Colette’s hopes are shattered. To heal her broken heart, she begins a quilt honoring her memories of Mattie. But every square she adds only makes her yearn for him more . . .

Matthew’s new inheritance comes with a lot of responsibilities—including his late-uncle’s deathbed request that he marry the woman who was his ward. But from the moment Mattie sees Colette again, he wishes he could escape his familial duty, even though doing so could bring scandal upon his mamm and daed. Will his desire to protect his parents cost him the life—and the love—he dreams of? Or can faith work a Christmas miracle that blesses all . . .


Amish woman, Collette King is looking forward to welcoming Matthew Mueller back to Shadow Lake, a historic inn located near Lake Erie, Pennsylvania. It is being run by Collette and her sisters. She hasn’t seen him in some time, and she knows in her heart when he returns it is time to let him know exactly how she feels about him.

She eagerly anticipates the moment when he returns, and then he does. Her expectations fall to her feet when he shows up with another woman, a beautiful one, on his arm. Not wanting to speak to him, he convinces her to anyways. This woman is going around telling anyone who will listen and even some who won’t, Matthew is her intended and the wedding is upcoming.

Matthew made a promise to his late uncle when he was on his deathbed that he would marry this woman and he feel obligated to keep this promise though Collette is his true love. Collette has always enjoyed sewing, it clears her mind and relaxes her. As she makes a Christmas quilt honoring Matthew, she just thinks of him more.

I did not like the “other woman.” Her attitude is terrible. How could she treat Matthew this way? Will Collette’s heart stay broken, or will the holiday season ring in with a new true love?

I enjoy reading books by this author and this was a fun read.

Pub Date 22 Aug 2023
I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

Ruth’s Ginger Snap Surprise (The Heart of the Amish)

258 pages Barbour Books publisher December 1,2023 publish date


Ruth Defies Authority to Hold on to her Family Farm
Full of faith, hope, and romance, this new series takes you into the Heart of Amish country.
Ruth Helmuth has never been rude in her life; trust her to choose the bishop of her Amish community for her first time!

Ruth has worked hard to keep body and soul together since her husband, Levi’s, death. She tends her herd of goats, making her living from the milk and fiber she gets from them, all while running a farm and household by herself—and very competently, thank you! How could she imagine the bishop suggesting she should give it all up to another family, who will “make better use of the space”?

Enter widower Jonas Hershberger, owner of a pair of adorable dimples and father of a charming 4-year-old daughter. Jonas is in need of a larger place to house his growing business. Ruth’s big red barn may be just the ticket. Little Abigail is in need of a new mother. Ruth might be just the ticket there, too!

Can two independent souls learn to work together for their mutual good? And will they be willing to explore what grows between them?  Or will Ruth’s fear over her “big secret” and Jonas’s caution about allowing someone new to get close to his young daughter, kill their love before it has a chance to grow?

Luckily for both of them, God’s plan involves the stubborn pair getting a little help in the form of a wise, elderly friend; a quirky orange kitten; and a smart little girl who takes one look at Ruth and decides she would make her the perfect new mother!

The Heart of the Amish Series Also Includes:
The Flower Quilter by Mindy Steele
The Quilt Room Secret by Lisa Jones Baker
Courting the Amish Bishop by Mindy Steele
Mary’s Calico Hope by Anne Blackburne


This is a new to me author and quite often I am willing to give these authors a try. This is how I find some great reads. I am glad I tried this new author.

Though not at the writing level of some of the more established authors who write Amish fiction I still enjoyed the story. The presentation was easy to follow along with, the plot, nothing out of the ordinary that I haven’t seen in other Amish books, but it was a fun story. When you add in kittens, big friendly guard dogs, and mischievous goats I don’t think you can go wrong.

Ruth Helmuth, a childless widow has a nice farm, outbuildings and a dawdi house attached to her house. She uses all of these though to raise her goats and make her goat milk products, including soaps and lotions. When the bishop comes for a visit, he believes she should sell her farm to a man from the community who needs the prime property to expand his business. The bishop also believes she should remarry and quickly. She is pretty shocked when he makes her an offer, he thinks she won’t be able to pass up.

A widowed neighbor man with a young daughter starts helping her with chores around her farm and they become close. When he sees how takes she is with his daughter he knows she’d be the perfect mother for her but is that all he is interested in her for? It was fun seeing the interaction with her neighbor’s daughter and Ruth’s kitten. She is a fun and spunky little girl. I will be reading more by this author.

Pub Date 01 Dec 2023
I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

Enjoy your weekend. Thank you for stopping in.


The Element of Love (The Lumber Baron’s Daughters Book #1) by Mary Connealy

295 pages Bethany House Publishers March 2,2022 publish date

About the Book

She mixed danger, desperation, and deception together. Love was not the expected outcome.

With their sharp engineering minds, Laura Stiles and her two sisters have been able to deal with their mother’s unfortunate choice in husband until they discovered his plans to marry each of them off to his lecherous friends. Now they must run away–far and fast–to find better matches to legally claim their portion of their father’s lumber dynasty and seize control from their stepfather.

During their escape, Laura befriends a mission group heading to serve the poor in California. She quickly volunteers herself and her sisters to join their efforts. Despite the settlement being in miserable condition, the sisters are excited by the opportunity to put their skills to good use. Laura also sees potential in Caleb, the mission’s parson, to help with gaining her inheritance. But when secrets buried in Caleb’s past and in the land around them come to light, it’ll take all the smarts the sisters have to keep trouble at bay.

My Thoughts

I haven’t read a Mary Connealy book in several years and I’m glad to be back into it. Her books are always so inspirational with such a faith filled message in them. I found this story to be unique. I enjoyed the plot and the pacing. There are three sister’s living with their mother and stepfather. There was great love in their house with their mother and father who had respect for women and taught the girls how to run his lumber business and they would have taken it over but upon his death it all changes. The mother remarries too quickly, and the stepfather reveals his true evil self after the wedding when it’s too late. He wants to marry them off and benefit from payoffs for doing so. Plotting to run away the sisters and mother leave but the mother goes home as she cannot travel on. The sisters wander until exhausted and hungry they find a find an encampment in California serving the poor and downtrodden led by a preacher man. I found it refreshing that the girls are so smart and are not afraid to show it. Intelligence looks good on you, girls! People wander in and out of this camp, some good people, some just looking for a handout and bringing trouble with them. As the preacher man sees how helpful and kind the oldest sister is he falls in love with her kind heart, and they decide to marry. On the eve of their wedding wanting no secrets between them she tells him about her past life. The preacher man is hiding secrets of his own but found his calling and became a man of God. When trouble comes a calling from his past life will she think she married the wrong man hastily like her mother has? I enjoyed this inspirational book so much and look forward to reading the stories of the two other sisters now.

Buy Link

About The Author

Mary Connealy writes romantic comedy with cowboys. She is independently publishing a contemporary romantic suspense series called Garrison’s Law, book one is Loving the Texas Lawman. Her new historical series, High Sierra Sweethearts begins with The Accidental Guardian. She is also the author of these series: Kincaid Brides, Trouble in Texas, Wild at Heart, Cimarron Legacy, Lassoed in Texas, Montana Marriages and Sophie’s daughters, and has man other books.

She is a two-time Carol Award winner and has been a finalist for the Rita and Christy Awards. She’s a lifelong Nebraskan and lives with her very own romantic cowboy hero. She’s got four grown daughters and four spectacular grandchildren.

Find Mary online at:

Her website:

Her blog for aspiring writers: Seekerville

Her blog for lovers of western romance: Petticoats & Pistols

Sign up for her newsletter at

Mary is on Facebook at

And Twitter at

I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. Thanks for stopping in.


Doors to the Past series, review of Passages of Hope by Terri J. Haynes

258 pages Barbour fiction November 1, 2022 publication date

About The Book

Discover the Story Behind a Secret Passageway
Walk through Doors to the Past via a new series of historical stories of romance and adventure.

Gracie Kingston begins renovations on the Philadelphia house inherited from her grandmother and finds a secret room. It is connected to a house nearby, the home of William Still, the man known as the father of the Underground Railroad. As she researches, she discovers a mystery in her house’s ownership. In 1855, Olivia Kingston helps a mother and her young child by hiding them in a secret room in her home. As she helps, she learns that there may be an impostor conductor in their community. As Gracie’s and Olivia’s stories intertwine, they learn the meaning of sacrifice and love.

Don’t miss other great books in the Doors to the Past series:
The Lady in Residence by Allison Pittman
Hope Between the Pages by Pepper Basham
Bridge of Gold by Kimberley Woodhouse
Undercurrent of Secrets by Rachel Scott McDaniel
Behind Love’s Wall by Carrie Fancett Pagels
High-Wire Heartbreak by Anna Schmidt
Love’s Fortress by Jennifer Uhlarik
A Promise Engraved by Liz Tolsma
Laura’s Shadow by Allison Pittman
Passages of Hope by Terri Haynes
In Spotlight and Shadow by Rachel Scott McDaniel
The Keys to Gramercy Park by Candice Sue Patterson

Grab A Copy Here

My Thoughts

I have really been enjoying the Doors to the Past series, of which Passages of Hope is a part of.
This book is told with a dual timeline.
Gracie McNeil inherits a home in the historical district in beautiful Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
As she’s having remodeling work done on the home to ready it for her yarn shop, she’ll open a secret room is discovered.
Olivia Kingston, a conductor of the underground railroad houses and hides many, many Blacks helping them as they go on their way seeking freedom from slavery. Olivia is able to change her childless marriage after she’s able to adopt a sick child.
The author tells her story about a terrible and unjust time in history in a gentle and respectful manner.
I absolutely loved this book. The bravery of these women during their time period is amazing.
Gracie is going through so much, missing her grandmother terribly, worrying about eviction from the home, money worries and not having the best relationship with her uncle. She is blessed with such a strong romantic relationship though.
The story goes back and forth between the two time periods smoothly and I enjoyed seeing how discovering a hidden room brought forth history studying and the discovery of such strong and dynamic women in Gracie’s family.

Pub Date 01 Nov 2022
I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

About The Author

Terri J. Haynes, a native Baltimorean, is a homeschool mom, writer, prolific knitter, freelance graphic artist and former Army wife (left the Army, not the husband). She loves to read, so much that when she was in elementary school, she masterminded a plan to be locked in a public library armed with only a flashlight to read all the books and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She is a storyteller at heart. Her passion is to draw readers into the story world she has created and to bring laughter and joy to their lives.

Terri is a 2010 American Christian Fiction Writers Genesis contest finalist, and a 2012 semi-finalist. She is also a 2013 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Quarterfinalist. Her publishing credits include Cup of Comfort for Military Families,, the Secret Place Devotional, Vista Devotional, and Publisher’s Weekly.

Terri and her husband pastor a church where she serves as executive pastor and worship leader. Terri lives in Maryland with her three wonderful children and her husband, who often beg her not to kill off their favorite characters.

Visit her blog, or her website,

Have a beautiful day and keep smiling.


Every Good Gift (Amish Blessings Book 3) by Kelly Irvin

381 pages Zondervan publisher February 7,2023 publish date

About The Book

During the most difficult season of her life, how could she know whether their meeting was a gift from God—or another temptation?

Maisy never expected that a Plain girl like her could have her heart stolen by an Englisch boy. But when her rumspringa ends and Maisy realizes she’s pregnant, the reality of their choices—and their differences—sets in.

Maisy knows she will never leave her faith to marry her baby’s father. But she also knows the road to acceptance as an unwed mother in an Amish community will be long and hard. To protect her family from the scandal, she goes to live with her cousin in Haven, Kansas, where she will have some solitude to figure out what kind of future she might have.

In Haven Maisy begins to find her way—thanks in no small part to Joshua Lapp, a Plain man who’s made it clear he isn’t bothered by her situation or ashamed to be seen with her, despite the bishop’s warnings. But Joshua has struggled with his faith ever since the death of his twin brother, leaving Maisy to wonder: How can two people who are so lost ever help each other discover Gott’s plans for their future?

Grab A Copy Here

My Thoughts

I really have enjoyed every Kelly Irvin book I’ve read and this one has been no exception.
The author has a way with words, penning such a realistic book.
There are some very tough subjects dealt with here. It’s not a light easy read, it’s actually a rather emotional one.

A young plain woman, a young plain man and an Amish couple all have things they are dealing with, things that are not easy at all. Through God’s love, redemption, forgiveness and lots of talking it out they are able to get through.

Sometimes the way that is the best way is not the easiest way.
This is a clean Amish romance and the third book in the Amish Blessings series but can be read as a stand-alone.

I found this to be an emotionally story written full of acceptance, hope, redemption, love, faith and finally accepting God’s forgiveness.

Pub Date: 07 Feb 2023
I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

The Series

God always had a plan. But how could falling in love with an Englischer be God’s plan for one young Amish woman? 

Young Cassie Weaver only wants what is expected of an Amish woman: a good Amish husband and a large family. But she’s happy as Job and Dinah Keim’s housekeeper, helping Dinah, who is losing her sight due to diabetes. For two decades the Keims have prayed for the salvation of their two children who left the community in a cloud of shame and mystery. 

Mason knew there was more to his mother’s past than she let on, but nothing could have prepared him for learning about his Amish roots upon his mother’s sudden death. Even more surprising, his mother named her Amish parents, Job and Dinah, as guardians to her five children. Now Mason has to trust that this couple, and their pretty housekeeper, can take care of his younger siblings, even when all he wants is to take care of them himself. 

As the children adjust to this new lifestyle, Mason finds himself pulled back to the Keims’ home. Yes, he wants to see his siblings, but it’s the conversations with Cassie that keep him coming back for more. Is there more to this Amish faith and how does it play into his own past? Cassie guards against her growing feelings for Mason, because there can be no happy ending for a Plain girl in love with an Englisch man . . . right? 

Bestselling and award-winning Amish romance novelist Kelly Irvin is back with a heartwarming tale of the power of love to heal all wounds. 

The Author

Best-selling novelist Kelly Irvin’s latest Amish romance, The Warmth of Sunshine, debuted in July. The second novel in the Amish Blessings series takes place in Yoder and Haven, Kansas. The series takes a look at adoption in Amish communities. The first book, Love’s Dwelling, won second place in the Selah Awards contest in the long contemporary romance category. The series follows the Amish of Sky Country series, which featured Amish communities in Northwest Montana affected by wildfires that destroyed thousands of acres in the state in recent years. The first book, Mountains of Grace, debuted in August 2019, and delves into the impact on not only an Amish man and woman, but also a smoke jumper, a sheriff’s deputy, and a young English woman forced to confront her past because of the fires.

Kelly also writes romantic suspense novels. Her most recent forays into this genre include Trust Me, Her Every Move and Closer Than She Knows, all set in San Antonio and South Texas. Publishers Weekly says of Closer Than She Knows, “this brisk, smoothly written thriller from Irvin pits court reporter Teagan O’Rourke, a murder mystery lover, against a cunning and vicious serial killer. Fans of serial killer fiction with a Christian slant will be satisfied.”

Of Tell Her No Lies, The Library Journal says, “Irvin creates a complex web with enough twists and turns to keep even the most savvy romantic suspense readers guessing until the end. Known for her Amish novels, this two-time Carol Award finalist shows that her talents span subgenres from tranquil Amish stories to rapidly paced breathless suspense.”

Kelly is also the author of the Every Amish Season series, which included four books that chronicle the lives of Amish widows who are in different seasons in their lives. These women are linked by life altering experiences that bring them together as wives, mothers, and grandmothers in the small town of Jamesport, Mo. The first book, Upon a Spring Breeze, received critical acclaim from the Library Journal: “A moving and compelling tale about the power of grace and forgiveness that reminds us how we become strongest in our most broken moments.”

Kelly Irvin is also the author of The Amish of Bee County series, which includes the critically acclaimed The Beekeeper’s Son. Publishers Weekly called the first book in the series a beautifully woven masterpiece and Romantic Times Magazine called Kelly a storyteller extraordinaire. It was followed by The Bishop’s Son and The Saddle Maker’s Son, which is an ECPA bestseller.

A two-time ACFW Carol finalist, Kelly’s novellas have been included in numerous anthologies, including An Amish Summer, The Amish Christmas Gift, An Amish Market, an Amish Christmas Love, and Amish Quilt, An Amish Reunion, An Amish Picnic, and An Amish Christmas Bakery.

She also penned the Bliss Creek Amish series and the New Hope Amish series, both published by Harvest House Publishers. Love Still Stands, the first book in the New Hope series, debuted in September 2012, and the follow-up, Love Redeemed, released March 1, 2014. The final book in the series, set in Branson, MO., was A Plain Love Song, released in July 2014.

The Bliss Creek Amish series, set in Kansas, includes To Love and to Cherish, A Heart Made New, and Love’s Journey Home.

In the New Hope series, familiar characters from Bliss Creek move to Missouri to start a new district and a new life.

The Kansas native is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and the ACFW San Antonio local chapter Alamo City Christian Fiction Writers, as well as Sisters in Crime.

A graduate of the University of Kansas William Allen White School of Journalism, Kelly wrote nonfiction professionally for thirty years. She studied for three semesters at the University of Costa Rica, learning the Spanish language. As a journalist, she worked six years in the border towns of Laredo and El Paso, where she was exposed to culture and language that serves as fodder for her fiction writing. She has written hard news, features, entertainment pieces, restaurant critiques, editorials, and weekly columns. Writing awards include the Silver Star Award from the Texas Mental Health Association for articles pertaining to mental health and numerous awards in news, feature, and editorial writing from the Texas Press Association and Texas Press Women.

Kelly retired in 2016 from her position of 22 years as public relations manager for the San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department, where her duties included writing and designing an employee newsletter, writing news releases, collaborating on marketing campaigns, coordinating ribbon-cuttings and groundbreakings, coordinating press conferences, updating the web site, and acting as a media spokesperson.

Kelly has been married to photographer Tim Irvin for more than 30 years, and they have two young adult children and three grandchildren. In her spare time, she likes to write short stories, read books by her favorite authors, and visit the babies.

For more information, visit

Your visit today is a blessing. Thank you!


First Line Friday

First Line Friday is hosted by Reading Is My Superpower and is such a fun post to do.

Just grab the book closest to you and list the first line. Today I am featuring Walking in Tall Weeds by Robin W. Pearson.

And the first line is…………….


When Paulette was six years old, her daddy tried to explain how a half-baked plan was as bad as no plan at all. Worse even.

From GoodReads

Frederick, Paulette, and McKinley Baldwin have always been a family of “onlys” in their town of Hickory Grove, North Carolina. An only son . . . married to an only daughter . . . blessed with a one and only child, McKinley.

Paulette is determined her son will want for nothing, least of all a mother’s love and attention–which her own skin color cost her as a child. But all her striving leaves her husband on the outside looking in.

Frederick still struggles with the theft of his grandpa’s land all those years ago, and he aims to get it back, no matter what it takes. He doesn’t count on his marriage becoming a casualty of his personal war.

McKinley’s doing his best to stand on his own two feet, even though he had to run away to Philadelphia to do it. The last thing he wants is to walk in his father’s troubled footsteps at George & Company. Yet that’s exactly where he finds himself, on a tortuous path of his own design.

As the Baldwins dredge up the past, they discover that their history is only skin-deep, while their faith takes them right to the heart of things. And it’s there they must learn to temper justice with mercy–and that God’s love is the only family tie that binds.


First published January 1, 2022

About The Author

Robin W. Pearson’s A LONG TIME COMIN’ won the Christy Award for First Novel. Both her debut and her second release, ‘TIL I WANT NO MORE (Feb. 2021), earned a Publishers Weekly starred review. Her novels show how man’s timeless love affair with God affects day-to-day relationships. Robin’s writing sprouts from her Southern roots, and she has corrected grammar up and down the East coast, starting with Houghton Mifflin Company. Her family’s faith, life lessons, and life’s longings inspire her as a wife, homeschooling mother of seven, and author, what she blogs about on…. They’re the source of the characters living and breathing in the stories waiting to be told about her belief in Jesus Christ and the experiences at her own kitchen sink. 

Have you read the book I’ve listed? What were your thoughts on it?

Thank you for stopping by today. Have a fabulous Friday.


The Sisters of Sea View (On Devonshire Shores #1)By Julie Klassen, Charming start of a new series-Review

About The Book

Some guests have come for a holiday, others for hidden reasons of their own . . .

When their father’s death leaves them impoverished, Sarah Summers and her genteel sisters fear they will be forced to sell the house and separate to earn livelihoods as governesses or companions. Determined to stay together, Sarah convinces them to open their seaside home to guests to make ends meet and provide for their ailing mother. Instead of the elderly invalids they expect to receive, however, they find themselves hosting eligible gentlemen. Sarah is soon torn between a growing attraction to a mysterious Scottish widower and duty to her family.

Viola Summers wears a veil to cover her scar. When forced to choose between helping in her family’s new guest house and earning money to hire a maid to do her share, she chooses the latter. She reluctantly agrees to read to some of Sidmouth’s many invalids, preferring the company of a few elders with failing eyesight to the fashionable guests staying in their home. But when her first client turns out to be a wounded officer in his thirties, Viola soon wishes she had chosen differently. Her new situation exposes her scars–both visible and those hidden deep within–and her cloistered heart will never be the same.

Join the Summers sisters on the Devonshire coast, where they discover the power of friendship, loyalty, love, and new beginnings.

Grab A Copy Here

My Thoughts

This is Inspirational Regency fiction at its absolute best!

The Sisters of Sea View was a wonderful book.
I have been reading this authors’ books since she has started writing and I don’t plan on stopping. I love how well researched her books are, you truly feel as though you are right here in the setting with the characters experiencing it all.

The setting is mostly at Sea View, a large home in Devonshire. After the unexpected death of the father, the ailing mother is unable to work so the four sisters devise a way to bring in money to save the house from being sold. They turn Sea View with its gorgeous view of the sea from its bedrooms into a home taking in boarders.
It takes a while to set up all the characters as there are many, the new boarders, the townspeople, people off visiting, hired help and more.

Once we get past all of this the books goes at a smooth pace.
There are four sisters and each one is lovely and has a unique place in the book.
This book has the four sisters present but concentrates on the story of one of them more than the others. If I had a guess I would say, each sister has her own story.
It was pleasing to see a sister who didn’t enjoy mixing in company because of what she thinks is a deformity that she keeps covered become less self-conscience and sure of herself.

There are characters staying at the house when it becomes a boarding house, some definitely a little quirky. We get somewhat of a backstory of these characters, and I think we’ll see more of them in future books.
One thing is for sure, I would love to visit Sea View and go into the sea there. It sounds so peaceful and relaxing there.
I am really looking forward to reading the rest of the books in this series. It will be hard to wait.

Pub Date 06 Dec 2022
I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

About The Author

ulie Klassen loves all things Jane—Jane Eyre and Jane Austen. She worked in publishing for sixteen years and now writes full time. Three of her novels have won the Christy Award for Historical Romance. She has also won the Minnesota Book Award, the Midwest Book Award, and Christian Retailing’s BEST Award. Julie is a graduate of the University of Illinois. She and her husband have two sons and live in St. Paul, Minnesota. Visit and for more information.

Have you read other Julie Klassen books? What makes you want to read this book? Do you have a favorite regency author to read?

Thank you for stopping by today. Enjoy your weekend.


New Book Release Review-The Second Christmas by Marta Perry

About The Book

The warmth of the Christmas season and a woman’s return home to the charming Amish community of Promise Glen opens the door to a second chance at love.

When Leah Beiler pictured returning to Promise Glen, she imagined taking everything she learned from her aunt’s business in Upstate New York and starting up a quaint herbal tea shop of her own. What she didn’t expect was for Josiah Burkhalter to insist on helping her. Josiah might have been her childhood sweetheart but they’ve both changed a lot since then and Leah’s not sure she can trust the man who once broke her heart.

Josiah is determined to make the most of this unexpected second chance. When he hears of Leah’s plans to open her own shop, he resolves to help in any way he can–beginning his gentle campaign to win her back by renovating the small cottage on her family’s farm.

During her time away, Leah looked forward to once again spending the holiday season with her family, especially Second Christmas, December 26th, a time of celebrating with extended family and close neighbors like the Burkhalters. But as Christmas nears, her feelings for Josiah grow more confused, strengthened by their time of working together. Now it will take all the magic of the season for Leah to confront her fears and reach for the love she deserves.

Books in the series

My Review

I just love Marta Perry’s books and they always teach us such an important lesson.
This one deals with forgiveness.
This is the fourth book in the Promise Glenn series.
In this one upon returning home Leah Beiler imagines herself starting an herb shop with the knowledge she’s earned from working with her Aunt at her upstate New York herb shop.
Josiah Burkhalter insists on helping her set up her new shop. Now that would be all fine and dandy but he was her childhood sweetheart and her broke her heart when they were childhood sweethearts.
Time has changed and matured them both. Those old feelings flare again, can she trust him to not hurt her and can she trust her own heart?
Life is full of disappointments but to trust and forgive is so important. Sometimes what we think we really want isn’t what we get but we realize what we have is so much better and we are grateful for it. I love the author’s writing style and important lessons learned. This is a joyful and heartwarming Christmas story.

Published September 27, 2022
I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

About The Author

Marta Perry is a Pennsylvania-based author of over 35 novels, many of them inspirational romances. She uses her rural Pennsylvania life and her Pennsylvania Dutch heritage in writing her books, especially in her Pleasant Valley Amish series for Berkley Books and her new Amish-set suspense series for HQN Books.

Marta and her husband live in a centuries-old farmhouse in a quiet central Pennsylvania valley. They have three grown children and six beautiful grandchildren, and when she’s not busy writing her next book, she’s usually trying to keep up with her gardening, baking for church events, or visiting those beautiful grandkids.

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