
{Book Blogger Hop} — Value of Your Book Collection

What To Do

1. Post your response to the question. 

Submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer.

My answer:

My books are worth a lot to me and not in the dollar sense though. As a lifelong reader I love my books, they are a comfort to me. I couldn’t imagine not being able to relax and read. As far as dollar value, I’m not interested in finding out because I have no interest in selling them. I do have many full book series, but they still probably wouldn’t be worth much because people are always just looking for the latest in books. While my books probably wouldn’t be worth a lot, they hold a strong importance to me.

Visit Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer here.

Happy Weekend and thanks for stopping in today.


Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Ramblings of A Coffee Addicted Writer . To participate just answer the question below

DO YOU HAVE A BOOKISH PHOBIA? Question by  Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

My answer: I don’t like large print books, I really dislike when someone marks their place in a book by turning it upside down and leaving it open like in the picture above. I also dislike dropping my phone on my face while reading in bed on my kindle app. Happens every night as I’m falling asleep. Yes, the corner has gone in my eye a few times, but no damage done.


{Book Blogger Hop} — Disoriented in a Bookstore?


Today’s question to answer is……….

Have you ever become disoriented in a bookstore?

I can’t say I’ve ever become disorientated in a bookstore. Lost track of time and gotten totally engrossed in what I’ve been reading, yes.

Hosted at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer.

I want to visit all the bookstores.

What about you? How do you feel when visiting bookstore? Do you have a favorite?


Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by  Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer. The purpose of the hop is to connect with other bloggers.

Today’s question is What plot twist is your favorite?

A: I enjoy when characters have to live in a house for a certain amount of time before they can inherit it or sell it and they fall in love with the house/area and want to stay.

What is your favorite plot twist?

Enjoy your weekend and thanks for stopping by.


{Book Blogger Hop} — Where Do You Get Your ARCs?

Visit Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer here

Q. Do you use other sources for ARCs besides NetGalley?

A. I do use NetGalley for most of my ARC’s. I belong to several blog tour groups, I do launch teams for authors, belong to street teams, get contacted by publishers and authors who would like me to read and review their books. Some I agree to some not. I have tried BookSirens but haven’t been impressed with their selection.

What about you?

Let me know in the comments what sources you use for your arc reads.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.


{Book Blogger Hop} — Favorite Childhood Genre

Hosted by Ramblings Of A Coffee Addicted Writer

What was your favorite genre to read a child? Do you still read that genre, or do you read something else now?

Submitted by Mark @ Carstairs Considers.

My Answer………..

When I was a child I remember my favorite books as being the Little House on the Prairie series. I ripped through that series so quickly and that started my love of historical fiction which I still love to read today. My tastes have changed over the years in what I’ve enjoyed reading. I went through a period where I watched a lot of horror movies and read a lot of true crime books. I haven’t watched or read any of those in years. I also read a lot of Amish books in the past. I still read them but not as many as I did at one time. For many years I mainly read historical fiction, but I have started reading contemporary fiction in the past few years which is new for me. I also remember going with my grandmother to the library and there was a limit of fifty books and as a young teenager I was checking out rose gardening and landscaping books along with different dog breed books. I also went through a period of time where I would buy health, wellness and exercise books along with many nonfiction history and Civil War books. I still do enjoy nonfiction, but I just don’t read it as much as I used to. A few genres I haven’t been able to get into are sci-fi and fantasy books.

What about you?


Book Blogger Hop-Lost Without books?

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. There are weekly prompts to talk about.

This weeks prompt is……..

Are you lost if you don’t have a book to read?

My answer……. I am never really without a book. I always bring a physical book with me. I was reading one at the dentist office yesterday . If I on the rare occurrence that I forget a book I have digital books to read on my phone.

Let me know your thoughts on this question in the comments.

Have a beautiful day. Thanks for stopping by.