
The Forgotten Life of Arthur Pettinger: absolutely heartbreaking World War 2 historical fiction 

425 pages Aria publisher March 4, 2021 publish date


The secrets of the past won’t remain hidden forever…

Arthur Pettinger‘s memory isn’t what it used to be. He can’t always remember the names of his grandchildren, where he lives or which way round his slippers go. He does remember Maryse though, a woman he hasn’t seen for decades, but whose face he will never forget.

When Arthur’s granddaughter, Maddy, moves in along with her daughter Esther, it’s her first step towards pulling her life back together. But when Esther makes a video with Arthur, the hunt for the mysterious Maryse goes viral.

There’s only one person who can help Maddy track down this woman – the one that got away, Joe. Their quest takes them to France, and into the heart of the French Resistance.

When the only way to move forwards is to look back, will this family finally be able to?

France Forests Waterfalls Jura Franche Comte Rays Of Light Stream Nature 


I added this to my list in 2021 and haven’t read it until now because I knew it would be a heartbreaker. Turns out I was correct. Some things in life you can never actually prepare yourself for properly despite having an inkling of what they’re about. This is one of those things.

My grandmother had dementia and passed away in 2004, we were very close. Our main character Arthur who is in his nineties also has this dreaded disease.
This is a time slip novel and we visit the 1940’s during Arthur’s time in the war and also modern times with Arthur now being in his nineties.

Arthur’s granddaughter has taken care of him for six months and the stress of it is too much for her and she is no longer willing to be his caretaker. She calls his other granddaughter who is divorced and has an 11-year-old daughter. The daughter plays a prominent role in the story but more in a bit about this. His new caretaker is compassionate and caring towards the old man.

Still times are rough with his confusion, forgetting what things are called and forgetting how to do basic things. Evenings are the worse as “sundowners” appears, he is confused, wanders the house and is agitated. Arthur has a scrapbook of his wartime memories including lots of photographs. The young girl and her great grandfather bond over the scrapbook and she sees pictures of a beautiful woman who turns out to be his war time love. Unfortunately, he was sent home away from his love. He may have forgotten many things but not her.

This child tries with the help of others to find this woman from many years ago for her grandfather to make him happy. Along the way we get another surprise. Told in alternating viewpoints, we easily see the anguish Arthur experiences as he has to leave his love in France and return to England and the lifelong effect it has had on him.
My heart was broken reading this but by the time I done reading it, it was healed again. Beautiful, and highly recommended.

Publication date 04 Mar 2021.
I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.


Suzanne writes historical fiction, predominantly dual timeline and set in France. Her books feature courageous women in extraordinary circumstances with love and family at the heart of all the stories.

Suzanne also writes mystery and suspense as Sue Fortin where she is a USA Today bestseller and Amazon UK #1 and Amazon US #3 bestseller. She has sold over a million copies of her books and been translated into multiple languages.

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