
Blog Blitz:The Sunshine Sisters: Skye (Little Duck Pond Café) by Rosie Green


The Sunshine Sisters: Skye (Little Duck Pond Café)

The Sunshine Sisters: Skye. This is BOOK TWO of a TRILOGY in the popular Little Duck Pond Café series:
Skye Sunshine has a theory that workmen, when in your house, should be seen and not heard. But Saul, the annoyingly sexy handyman clearly hasn’t received the memo! He’s far too cheeky and irritating for her liking.
But when Skye’s peace of mind and reputation as an actress is threatened by hacks desperate for a story, can she really afford to turn down Saul’s offer – to whisk her away from the limelight to the privacy of his rustic cabin in the woods?


I have been reading the Little Duck Pond Cafe series for quite a while. I always look forward to a new novella length book coming out. This is one thing that I love about the series too, that each book is novella length so I can read it in an afternoon and not feel bogged down by not having time to read it. Each book has a full story.

The characters, I love them. Each one of them feels like friends and we still have some from the older books but meet new friends in each book too. This trio of books is the Sunshine sisters, and this is Skye’s story.

Skye Sunshine shows her vulnerable side when she must go into hiding because she is being threatened with blackmail for past secrets that are being threatened to be spilled. There are some serios subjects touched on in the book and the author does it in an understanding way.

The characters are relatable and fun and I’m enjoying meeting them all. Family relationships, drama, misunderstandings and secrets are explored. I did enjoy seeing how the sisters are all there for each other and look forward to reading the last sister’s story, Blossom.

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Rosie’s series of Little Duck Pond Café novellas is centered around life in a country village cafe. Skye’s story is the second in a trilogy called THE SUNSHINE SISTERS. Watch out for Blossom’s dramatic and emotional story, which completes the trilogy and is out in early June 2024!

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