
Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Ramblings of A Coffee Addicted Writer . To participate just answer the question below

DO YOU HAVE A BOOKISH PHOBIA? Question by  Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

My answer: I don’t like large print books, I really dislike when someone marks their place in a book by turning it upside down and leaving it open like in the picture above. I also dislike dropping my phone on my face while reading in bed on my kindle app. Happens every night as I’m falling asleep. Yes, the corner has gone in my eye a few times, but no damage done.

By deanne01

I am an avid reader and reviewer. I am open for review requests please contact me at Cnnamongirl at aol dot com. I work with big name publishers and indie publishers alike. I am on launch and street teams and have MANY NetGalley and GoodReads reviews up. I love all animals and I am a vegetarian. Thank you for joining me here.

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