
Library Loot: January 10 to 16


Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Sharlene from Real Life Reading that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries.

I haven’t gotten to the library this week because of my ankle injury but I’ll share a few books with you I picked up last week. Would you read any of these ?

Enjoy your week and stay safe !

By deanne01

I am an avid reader and reviewer. I am open for review requests please contact me at Cnnamongirl at aol dot com. I work with big name publishers and indie publishers alike. I am on launch and street teams and have MANY NetGalley and GoodReads reviews up. I love all animals and I am a vegetarian. Thank you for joining me here.

12 replies on “Library Loot: January 10 to 16”

Sorry you have not been able to go to the library! My husband ran by there for me today and grabbed my hold. It’s Mary DeMuth’s 90-Day Bible Reading Challenge. I am curious about how it works. Have a great week and I hope your ankle is healed soon!

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Thank you Cindy. So nice of your husband to run in and grab your hold for you. That sounds like a helpful hook. You’ll have to let me know how you like it. If any more of my holds come in I know my husband will get mine as well. I do have plenty to read while I’m laid up. It’s not easy just laying around though.


So true, our mind just won’t shut off. I can lay here and think about all the stuff I feel like I should be doing and I feel guilty that I can’t . I don’t want to keep asking my husband because he’s done plenty along with making all my meals and helping me walk to the bathroom. He’s pretty great, so I’ll try not to stress about whatever else needs done. We depend on our car so much. I hope yours is ready very soon. So nice of him to grab that hold for you.


Thanks Susan. I’m enjoying this extra reading time for sure. I guess being laid up has its benefits 🙂 I hope to get to it soon, the cover is cute and it sounds so good. I’m sure we’ll both enjoy it my friend.


Hard to figure them out sometimes. We are getting a cold spell next week. The library I go to has 4 branch libraries and the main one I go to. One of the branch libraries has been closed for several years because of water damage. It’s such a shame that they don’t have the money for the repairs and to think of the ruined books.

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