
First Line Friday

First Line Friday is hosted by Reading Is My Superpower and is such a fun post to do.

Just grab the book closest to you and list the first line. Today I am featuring Walking in Tall Weeds by Robin W. Pearson.

And the first line is…………….


When Paulette was six years old, her daddy tried to explain how a half-baked plan was as bad as no plan at all. Worse even.

From GoodReads

Frederick, Paulette, and McKinley Baldwin have always been a family of “onlys” in their town of Hickory Grove, North Carolina. An only son . . . married to an only daughter . . . blessed with a one and only child, McKinley.

Paulette is determined her son will want for nothing, least of all a mother’s love and attention–which her own skin color cost her as a child. But all her striving leaves her husband on the outside looking in.

Frederick still struggles with the theft of his grandpa’s land all those years ago, and he aims to get it back, no matter what it takes. He doesn’t count on his marriage becoming a casualty of his personal war.

McKinley’s doing his best to stand on his own two feet, even though he had to run away to Philadelphia to do it. The last thing he wants is to walk in his father’s troubled footsteps at George & Company. Yet that’s exactly where he finds himself, on a tortuous path of his own design.

As the Baldwins dredge up the past, they discover that their history is only skin-deep, while their faith takes them right to the heart of things. And it’s there they must learn to temper justice with mercy–and that God’s love is the only family tie that binds.


First published January 1, 2022

About The Author

Robin W. Pearson’s A LONG TIME COMIN’ won the Christy Award for First Novel. Both her debut and her second release, ‘TIL I WANT NO MORE (Feb. 2021), earned a Publishers Weekly starred review. Her novels show how man’s timeless love affair with God affects day-to-day relationships. Robin’s writing sprouts from her Southern roots, and she has corrected grammar up and down the East coast, starting with Houghton Mifflin Company. Her family’s faith, life lessons, and life’s longings inspire her as a wife, homeschooling mother of seven, and author, what she blogs about on…. They’re the source of the characters living and breathing in the stories waiting to be told about her belief in Jesus Christ and the experiences at her own kitchen sink. 

Have you read the book I’ve listed? What were your thoughts on it?

Thank you for stopping by today. Have a fabulous Friday.