
Daily Prompt Saturday

Bloganuary writing prompt
Think back on your most memorable road trip.

My most recent memorable road trip was July 2022. My husband and I went on a week long anniversary road trip. I had no idea where we were even going. My husband and I visited all of the New England States in the United States.

I really enjoyed Boston, Mass. It was a place I had wanted to go for a long time and we didn’t even get lost for going there the first time because we did the Freedom Trail a 2.5 red brick trail through Boston that passes by 17 locations significant to the history of the United States. It winds from Boston Common in downtown Boston, to the Old North Church in the North End and the Bunker Hill Monument in Charlestown. Stops along the trail include simple explanatory ground markers, graveyards, notable churches and buildings, and a historic naval frigate. Most of the sites are free or suggest donations, although the Old South Meeting House, the Old State House, and the Paul Revere House charge admission. The Freedom Trail is overseen by the City of Boston’s Freedom Trail Commission[2] and is supported in part by grants from various non-profit organizations and foundations, private philanthropy, and Boston National Historical Park. Wiki

We also visited Maine and the beautiful rugged coast. One thing that surprised me about most of the New England states was there are a lot less fast food restaurants and more local places which is a refreshing change from what I am used to.

The New England states are really beautiful and I look forward to more visits there.

Salem, MA – National Historic Waterfront


Hartford, Conn


The coast of Maine is rugged and magnificent.

I hope you’ll enjoy any road trips you may go on as well.