
Daily Prompt

Daily writing prompt
What is your mission?

My mission is to spread kindness wherever I go towards people and animals. Be the best parent I can be towards my children and be there for my husband and children when they need me. Peace and Love to you!

By deanne01

I am an avid reader and reviewer. I am open for review requests please contact me at Cnnamongirl at aol dot com. I work with big name publishers and indie publishers alike. I am on launch and street teams and have MANY NetGalley and GoodReads reviews up. I love all animals and I am a vegetarian. Thank you for joining me here.

9 replies on “Daily Prompt”

Iโ€™m new to all this but I must say every thing you wrote is a lot like what I believe in. Spreading kindness is so simple yet some people are just caught up in their own daily grind they forget the feeling of truly being kind to someone who probably isnโ€™t expecting it. Thanks for sharing

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Thank you. You can never be too busy for a little kindness is what I think. That little bit of kindness you spread may be someone’s only kindness they received that day. Have a wonderful day and thank you for visiting today. ๐ŸŒนโค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜€

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