
{Book Blogger Hop} — Where Do You Get Your ARCs?

Visit Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer here

Q. Do you use other sources for ARCs besides NetGalley?

A. I do use NetGalley for most of my ARC’s. I belong to several blog tour groups, I do launch teams for authors, belong to street teams, get contacted by publishers and authors who would like me to read and review their books. Some I agree to some not. I have tried BookSirens but haven’t been impressed with their selection.

What about you?

Let me know in the comments what sources you use for your arc reads.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

By deanne01

I am an avid reader and reviewer. I am open for review requests please contact me at Cnnamongirl at aol dot com. I work with big name publishers and indie publishers alike. I am on launch and street teams and have MANY NetGalley and GoodReads reviews up. I love all animals and I am a vegetarian. Thank you for joining me here.

17 replies on “{Book Blogger Hop} — Where Do You Get Your ARCs?”

I know exactly what you mean. I feel bad about not accepting them but I’m already so overloaded with reviews it’s impossible to get to them all. Will visit your blog now. Thanks.


Yes…….. Netgalley is my favorite and I love their ever-changing selection. Best of luck with them. Have you gotten auto approved yet by any publishers or gotten any widgets yet? When you get those you really feel like you’ve made it, lol.


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