
{Book Blogger Hop} — Favorite Childhood Genre

Hosted by Ramblings Of A Coffee Addicted Writer

What was your favorite genre to read a child? Do you still read that genre, or do you read something else now?

Submitted by Mark @ Carstairs Considers.

My Answer………..

When I was a child I remember my favorite books as being the Little House on the Prairie series. I ripped through that series so quickly and that started my love of historical fiction which I still love to read today. My tastes have changed over the years in what I’ve enjoyed reading. I went through a period where I watched a lot of horror movies and read a lot of true crime books. I haven’t watched or read any of those in years. I also read a lot of Amish books in the past. I still read them but not as many as I did at one time. For many years I mainly read historical fiction, but I have started reading contemporary fiction in the past few years which is new for me. I also remember going with my grandmother to the library and there was a limit of fifty books and as a young teenager I was checking out rose gardening and landscaping books along with different dog breed books. I also went through a period of time where I would buy health, wellness and exercise books along with many nonfiction history and Civil War books. I still do enjoy nonfiction, but I just don’t read it as much as I used to. A few genres I haven’t been able to get into are sci-fi and fantasy books.

What about you?

By deanne01

I am an avid reader and reviewer. I am open for review requests please contact me at Cnnamongirl at aol dot com. I work with big name publishers and indie publishers alike. I am on launch and street teams and have MANY NetGalley and GoodReads reviews up. I love all animals and I am a vegetarian. Thank you for joining me here.

16 replies on “{Book Blogger Hop} — Favorite Childhood Genre”

I never really had a favorite genre as a child, I chose to explore all genres then. Today I am the same way I suppose, I like so many different genres. I do tend to gear towards the psychological thriller genre lately. But I try to make myself go out of my comfort zone and try something new, but it is hard for me.


I haven’t read a lot of psychological thrillers but I have definately enjoyed the ones I’ve read and reviewed them on my blog here. I’ve also gotten into reading suspense. Like you I enjoy a variety of genres and do read outside of my comfort zones at times as well. Here’s to wishing you many more enjoyable book reads.

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It’s so interesting how our tastes change as we grow up. I read mystery and sci fi when I was a child and now it’s mostly romance and historical fiction

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As a child, my favorite author was Louisa May Alcott, and I still have my collection of her books. I read pretty widely–Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys and lots of biographies. Then came a period of professional reading, nonfiction. After retirement, lots and lots of mysteries–Agatha Christie and cozy mysteries. With my book club, I have read a variety of books I wouldn’t have picked up on my own, but I’m glad I read them. I mix in some clean romances. I think it might have been easier to say what I don’t read. 😂

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There are so many genres to read from I do like to read outside of my comfort zone at times to try new to me genres. I do agree, it probably would be easier for me to say what I don’t read rather than what I do. Have a wonderful weekend ! 🙂

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I never did read The Little House books, although I loved the television series growing up. It is interesting to consider how our reading has changed over the years, isn’t it? In some ways, my reading has followed a similar pattern, but in other ways it has changed. It has definitely expanded over the years. Thank you for sharing! Have a great weekend.


Hey Deanne,
I am just letting everyone know that I follow on BBH, etc. that I am going to try something new (well, new for me) out. I know that there are other memes similar to this, but I just thought I would do it since Lia doesn’t blog any longer. So let’s see how it goes. I have joined a lot of other memes so maybe you could ‘pay it forward’ and join mine and pass me on if you would be so kind 😉

Down the TBR Hole Linky Widget And Info #DTTBRH ~ Join The Fun

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