
Book Blogger Hop-Lost Without books?

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. There are weekly prompts to talk about.

This weeks prompt is……..

Are you lost if you don’t have a book to read?

My answer……. I am never really without a book. I always bring a physical book with me. I was reading one at the dentist office yesterday . If I on the rare occurrence that I forget a book I have digital books to read on my phone.

Let me know your thoughts on this question in the comments.

Have a beautiful day. Thanks for stopping by.

By deanne01

I am an avid reader and reviewer. I am open for review requests please contact me at Cnnamongirl at aol dot com. I work with big name publishers and indie publishers alike. I am on launch and street teams and have MANY NetGalley and GoodReads reviews up. I love all animals and I am a vegetarian. Thank you for joining me here.

7 replies on “Book Blogger Hop-Lost Without books?”

I’m also rarely without a book or my Kindle. I have other hobbies I like to do as well, but I usually opt to read or anything else unless I’m brain dead. Then, I choose TV/movies. If I do forget a book or my Kindle, I could read one on my phone, but I hate doing that, lol, but not enough to suffer boredom. Ha!

My Book Blogger Hop Post

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Well, being as I have my kindle app, audible, library apps and netgalley shelf all on my phone, I always have something to read or listen to. I do think I would go crazy if something happened and I lost my phone and didn’t have a book handy. I can’t even think about it. 😮😮


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